Digital Loyalty: Beyond Likes, Re-Tweets & Shares

Loyalty Then, Loyalty Now I, like many others reading this (I hope!), have faced the challenges of designing & developing a customer loyalty program. There were times when implementing loyalty programs were the preserve of the marketing barons and czars & now, the current marketing landscape has spun the entire ecosystem around its axis. Now, every marketer has tried, run (and regretted!) some form of the in-season (social media) loyalty programs (not to mention counting likes on Facebook, RTs on Twitter). Which brings me to the topic of my current post: In the era of “fluid fingers”, how can a marketer build loyalty and what can they do to stop jumping from one in-flavour loyalty program to the next? Loyalty? Now? You must be crazy? In marketing currency, customer loyalty is platinum grade ingots that marketers would be willing to commit black marketing to acquire. Now, when more than ever, loyalty is increasingly being interpreted as “likes” “follows”...