Coffee & Conversations: The Rise of Ads That are Not Ads

There are some ads ... that cease to be ads, and then you no longer think about the brand, the product, the just connect..with the story. There is something about the underdog--always--that makes even the cynic in us turn hardcore supporters, and this has been used to the hilt in the new commercial for Nescafe. This ad makes you want to see it...again. At 5,052,872 views on Youtube, and 9,400+ likes, if this ad is not stellar, then what is? This ad is about overcoming obstacles, through perseverance though the subtle message of drinking coffee. A stand up comedian, who stutters, charms his way through his audience, waiting for them to warm-up to him, the message being nicely blended with the product. These lines, posted by the brand, strongly capture the essence of the brand, " We all fall, get up and complete the race of life! And while we huddle up with friends, family and the world to celebrate the success, it is only that one compan...