How To Grow Your Email Subscribers

Every marketer has a nightmare, of his email list growing smaller and smaller by unsubscribes, by becoming irrelevant, by becoming black-listed by end users. So what steps can you take to ensure that your list grows, legitimately and provides customers the value they need, and you, the reach you want? Every email address that you acquire as a marketer is a potential customer, and hence, that email address to you is future business currency . So how do you build that list? How do you ensure that this list is accurate, relevant and most importantly, monetizable? Image source: 1. Opt-in marketing Rule of thumb: You are acquiring someone else’s data─and using it, and sending him emails about your value proposition. So always ask first, period. Opt in marketing, or permission based marketing ensures that every bit of user information collected is acquired post securing the user permission. That means no harvesting user information illegall...