How to Build Your Twitter Followers? Part 1 (of Many!)

I've battled with this long enough.."How to Grow Your Twitter Followers", "I don't have enough of them", "They are not engaged ", and the saga goes on and on... Image source: So, is it really important to have an army of Twitter followers..what would you rather have.. a small band of committed, dedicated followers, who value and appreciate your content, or else are you happy having a couple of thousands? Okay, that was overkill, you'd be happy, as long as they are legit. So, what can a marketer nursing a nascent brand on Twitter tell you? That is me, btw. It will be useful to mention here a framework that I came across, Content, Engagement, and Rewards. Content: First, as a Twitter newborn you will take the first 100 or so tweets to find your "editorial voice". If you are already in the business, you might take less or much lesser, but getting past that barrier when you are most comfortable...