As promised, I am back with info on the series "Event Marketing". I am starting with what seems to be the ultimate hair - tearing, coronary - causing, maniacal element of any major event -- Event PR/Publicity. Event PR assumes a life of its own -- sometimes it is bigger than the actual event ( oh yes , especially if you are also managing an agency -- and that is why, coronary-causing). Source: So at this point of time, when your event is fleshed out and the finer details are in print, you can start with the following: 1. Do You Need PR or Do You Need PR? But wait -- we need to answer this question! Do you need PR? Of course yes! If you care about attendees, if you care about (and you are answerable to) sponsors, and if you do not wish to relegate your event to event - hell. (Not to say that doing PR might prevent that). But on a serious note, PR can help you with the hard deliverables for your ev...