Event Social Media Marketing: How Not to Go Crazy Series: Facebook Marketing

Hello, And that, after a long time. So, you decided to take the plunge, after all, with social media for your event marketing. Okay - so you did the initial assessment of which platform is the right to be on for your event. And Facebook it is. Then what - are we going to be trigger-happy? Absolutely not. Thou shalt post with caution. First, we need to understand the entire Facebook marketing landscape available to us. In case you are starting right off, and you don't have a company Facebook account or an events page (sounds unbelievable, but that's where we were 4 years ago - no account, no page), then please create one . That is going to be the bedrock of your Facebook marketing strategy. On how to create an account or a page, visit here . Your account is created, your page is done. So what do we do now? 1. Announce Yourself Announce yourself - to the world - and the competition that you're here. Update your profile photo with the event banners. As outli...