
Showing posts with the label Book review

What I am I reading? Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Having read & reviewed Crushing It and the Thank You Economy , here comes the book review of Jab Jab Jab Right Hook - another book authored by Gary Vaynerchuk. Being a marketer, you'd think that you are totally clued into content marketing and what new possibly could the book throw at you that you didn't know? But that's where I was wrong - even though social media has erupted in a grandiose fashion since Gary authored the book, there were still many, many things that I did learn from the book. The most important of which were context and adaptability. What works on Twitter, won't work on Instagram, and what works on Insta may not work on Facebook [Yeah, I know, I know, that we all know that, but trust me, you need to read those specific chapters to understand how organically this is explained in the book] The book begins with how social blends into digital, what makes a great story, and showcases examples from various social media accounts...

What am I reading? Fast, Cheap and Viral: Book review

In case you are a marketer, you know the drill. Understand the target audience, jump through hoops, produce content [that’s the easy part] and then sit back, in anticipation. When is it going to go “viral”? Why are the views so less? Addressing questions such as these and explaining the dynamics of video marketing to folks who don’t work in this area and trying to make them understand the mechanics is sometimes more challenging than the actual video marketing itself. This is why I feel this book needs to be read by a wider audience, to make them more appreciative of what truly goes behind the scenes of “viral" content. Authored by Aashish Chopra [whom I have been following for quite some time on LinkedIn], the book is a veritable storehouse of practical tips. What I really liked about the book was its refreshing take on marketing: plain talk, no fancy jargon and easily comprehensible techniques. I found myself nodding my head in response to some key chall...

What Am I Reading? Crushing It

To say that it was overwhelming, would not be a long shot. Gary is, by his own admission, unusual. I did watch many of his YouTube videos and came across some of his work prior to picking up Crushing It - the follow up to his 2009 book Crush It . First few pages in, and wham - Is this guy mildly narcissistic? Yes. Was what he saying making sense? Oh yes - and after some time, narcissism didn't seem to matter. For what he said, resonated loud and clear. Clear actionable strategies on how to build your business and influence online - acceptable even with the ever present dose of self-promotion. Having read countless books on social media, you'd think that hey, this is more of the same stuff, perhaps bottled differently. But this book is, thankfully, a lot more. Filled with his unique perspectives on social media, brand building, entrepreneurship and life, it is as much of a live-wire as Gary himself is on stage.  I can almost hear his exhortations as ...

What am I reading? Trust me I'm Lying

A playbook for the dark arts of exploiting the media Confessions of a media manipulator Okay - this was definitely gangsta-like - if there ever was a click-bait headline for books, this was (& is it). One thing Holiday does well, is whip up interest. Sadly, it is only thing. Part confessional, part accusatory, Trust me I am Lying is mildly interesting. So the book does deplore the present state of media, justifiably so. The fact that it may not surprise you to learn some of the dirty media tricks itself is testament to the fact how weary we have become and how easily (and correctly) we believe media is malleable. Molded in classic whistle-blower style, you'd think this book would do a expose on the ways of the media - and it does. Divided into two parts: How Blogs Work and What Blogs Mean, it touches upon how content is traded up the chain, how publishers make money online, how content publishers trick readers, rants against page-views, blogs as machinery o...