How to write your blog’s mission statement?

Imagine a sailor in the olden days - would he set sail without his compass and map? Not Vasco da Gama - no Not James Cook - definitely no. Jack Sparrow - maybe . Your blog is a voyage too, helping people learn, acquire skills and knowledge and in the interim, helping you learn (and perhaps earn) as well. But how can you stay on course if you don’t have a compass/ map? Your blog’s mission statement is just that for you. Having a mission statement is important and not just for anecdotal reasons. Why do you need a mission statement? 1. Audience - content fit If you don’t have a mission statement, you will not be able to reach out to the correct target audience with the relevant message. Let me explain with an example. The mission statement of my blog is Helping early stage marketers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to understand & implement marketing better. In the early stage of my b...