10 challenges faced by new bloggers and how to solve them

Add caption New bloggers are constantly faced with a deluge of information, decisions and challenges. No sooner than one challenge is sorted, another one pops up. So how do you keep up with blogging keeping up with your busy schedule? What are some of the top challenges faced by busy bloggers? What are some of the tips that might help you on your way to blogging sanity? 1. Purpose This is the #1 challenge that I feel is faced by most new bloggers. They are certain that they want to blog - about something . But digging deeper throws up more questions: Who they want to write for? What is the purpose of their blog? What is their content strategy? Sometimes, the allure of quick fame and money is so powerful that blogging just becomes a vehicle for their larger goals in life. Since they did not spend enough time analyzing their blogging purpose, their journey is fraught with disappointment and failures. It is quite important to address the purpose of...