What Am I Reading? Crushing It

To say that it was overwhelming, would not be a long shot. Gary is, by his own admission, unusual. I did watch many of his YouTube videos and came across some of his work prior to picking up Crushing It - the follow up to his 2009 book Crush It . First few pages in, and wham - Is this guy mildly narcissistic? Yes. Was what he saying making sense? Oh yes - and after some time, narcissism didn't seem to matter. For what he said, resonated loud and clear. Clear actionable strategies on how to build your business and influence online - acceptable even with the ever present dose of self-promotion. Having read countless books on social media, you'd think that hey, this is more of the same stuff, perhaps bottled differently. But this book is, thankfully, a lot more. Filled with his unique perspectives on social media, brand building, entrepreneurship and life, it is as much of a live-wire as Gary himself is on stage. I can almost hear his exhortations as ...