What I am I reading? Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Having read & reviewed Crushing It and the Thank You Economy , here comes the book review of Jab Jab Jab Right Hook - another book authored by Gary Vaynerchuk. Being a marketer, you'd think that you are totally clued into content marketing and what new possibly could the book throw at you that you didn't know? But that's where I was wrong - even though social media has erupted in a grandiose fashion since Gary authored the book, there were still many, many things that I did learn from the book. The most important of which were context and adaptability. What works on Twitter, won't work on Instagram, and what works on Insta may not work on Facebook [Yeah, I know, I know, that we all know that, but trust me, you need to read those specific chapters to understand how organically this is explained in the book] The book begins with how social blends into digital, what makes a great story, and showcases examples from various social media accounts...