How to create content for your blog

If creating content for your blog literally feels like it is sucking the charm out of your life then you are not alone. This constant debate has plagued every marketer / blogger out there: What do I write about? Will my readers find this content interesting? Am I doing enough to create unique high quality content? All this can cause even seasoned bloggers to abandon the content-writing cause midway - but worry not - I have few strategies & tips and in no time, you will be posting great content on your blog, continuously. As a newbie blogger, my constant worry was “ What should I post about” leading to lots of frantic strategizing and brainstorming. Let's break things down a bit into bite-sized components here. You have 4 things you need to tackle while writing a blog post Headline Content: Outline + Type + Headings + body Images Call to action Let's begin with content: 1.1 Content: Outline Typically, I’d begin with a wo...