Is Virality Vital to Marketing?

As a marketer, I've seen countless fellow marketers struggling under the unsavoury expectations of virality--- retweets, likes, shares , did you get them, if yes, how many, why so less?--sometimes the whole virality wagon assumes gigantically stupid proportions. Why this unnatural expectation that the moment you create something it has to be stratospherically viral? Image credit: Do you think we need to move virality away from campaign success definitions ? The whole practice of the virality of your campaign being celebrated as an industry case study or best practice is unfair. What is viral today, is history tomorrow, given the velocity of social media . I came across a really interesting read on virality ( For Pete's Sake, Brands, Stop Focusing on Viral; read here) . To further my point, I quote again "It’s remembered in this context as a case study, not as an example of the brand’s quality" (read more here ). Virality, positive or...