
Showing posts with the label word of mouth marketing

What am I reading? Contagious

This is for every early-stage marketer out there. Why do certain ideas and products get more traction than others? Why are some stories and concepts more popular than others in the same genre? If you are a marketer and this is what keeps you awake at night, you might just want to grab a copy. As marketers, as we struggle to make things "go viral" - there is very little in terms of formal education that can help you navigate this once you are immersed in a full time marketing role. Marketing agencies might not be able to help either - especially if you are a smaller company without the budgets to create a big-bang campaign. This is an area that essentially can't be back-engineered - or so I thought, till I read Contagious . B erger, a professor of marketing at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, deconstructs some of the mystique surrounding this concept through a framework called as STEPPS. The  "Six Principles of Contag...