
5 content marketing blunders and how to avoid them

Further in continuation to our series on content marketing, today we will have a look at some of the content marketing blunders committed inadvertently by marketers. Marketers are busy folks.  And over the past decade, they have been busy creating a monstrous amount of data. As cited in Forbes, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created each day - with over 90% of the data being generated in the last two years alone. This number is not totally incomprehensible - as marketers we are all aware - the sheer gazillionome of newsletters, brochures, social media content, advertising content, email content we create everyday are in some small way contributing to this massive tome of data. But how much of it is actually hitting the end-goal? How many newsletters are actually getting read, how many emails are being directed towards trash and how many advertisements are actually getting a second glance / view? Unlike other initiatives to prune overconsumption / creat

What I am I reading? Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Having read & reviewed Crushing It and the Thank You Economy , here comes the book review of Jab Jab Jab Right Hook - another book authored by Gary Vaynerchuk. Being a marketer, you'd think that you are totally clued into content marketing and what new possibly could the book throw at you that you didn't know? But that's where I was wrong - even though social media has erupted in a grandiose fashion since Gary authored the book, there were still many, many things that I did learn from the book. The most important of which were context and adaptability. What works on Twitter, won't work on Instagram, and what works on Insta may not work on Facebook [Yeah, I know, I know, that we all know that, but trust me, you need to read those specific chapters to understand how organically this is explained in the book] The book begins with how social blends into digital, what makes a great story, and showcases examples from various social media accounts

What am I reading? Fast, Cheap and Viral: Book review

In case you are a marketer, you know the drill. Understand the target audience, jump through hoops, produce content [that’s the easy part] and then sit back, in anticipation. When is it going to go “viral”? Why are the views so less? Addressing questions such as these and explaining the dynamics of video marketing to folks who don’t work in this area and trying to make them understand the mechanics is sometimes more challenging than the actual video marketing itself. This is why I feel this book needs to be read by a wider audience, to make them more appreciative of what truly goes behind the scenes of “viral" content. Authored by Aashish Chopra [whom I have been following for quite some time on LinkedIn], the book is a veritable storehouse of practical tips. What I really liked about the book was its refreshing take on marketing: plain talk, no fancy jargon and easily comprehensible techniques. I found myself nodding my head in response to some key chall

Five Mistakes made by new bloggers

We have all been there - struggling to establish our blogging identity, making mistakes along the way. Wondering, why don’t we have enough readers. Sometimes, it takes years to course correct and re-pivot. It has happened with me in my own blogging journey. I started out with a blog on marketing, very soon realizing that no matter how much I churned the depths of this ocean of marketing, there was no way I would be able to know / cover / blog about it all. As a new blogger, you may be often struggling with (well meaning) advice from a hundred different sources, not knowing what to prioritize. But some things ought to be done over others - and that’s setting your blogging goals straight - and avoiding these blogging mistakes. Mistake #1: Not knowing your blogging niche I can’t say this enough. You need to know your blogging niche - what is the area of your area of expertise + interesting for readers + and a space where you can be heard enough. I star

How to generate blog post ideas: Tools you can use

This has been a problem that has plagued almost every blogger - what do I blog about? How do I know what does my target audience wants? What can be possible iterations of the same headline / topic? Well, if this is what you also struggle with, then worry no more. We are going to have a look at the most comprehensive list of blog topic generators today. All you need to do is to input some nouns, some adjectives and voila - blog topic generated [okay, that was the easy part]! 1.  HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generato r Any list on blog topic generators is incomplete without a mention of the  HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generato r You can choose to enter a few nouns, click on "Give me Blog Ideas" and voila - you have yourself Blog Topics. For example, I got the following results for "Blogging" "Trends" Blogging: Expectations vs. Reality The Next Big Thing in How To Grow Your Blogs Traffic Blogging Explained in Fewer