Five Mistakes made by new bloggers

We have all been there - struggling to establish our blogging identity, making mistakes along the way. Wondering, why don’t we have enough readers. Sometimes, it takes years to course correct and re-pivot. It has happened with me in my own blogging journey. I started out with a blog on marketing, very soon realizing that no matter how much I churned the depths of this ocean of marketing, there was no way I would be able to know / cover / blog about it all. As a new blogger, you may be often struggling with (well meaning) advice from a hundred different sources, not knowing what to prioritize. But some things ought to be done over others - and that’s setting your blogging goals straight - and avoiding these blogging mistakes. Mistake #1: Not knowing your blogging niche I can’t say this enough. You need to know your blogging niche - what is the area of your area of expertise + interesting for readers + and a space where you can be heard enough. I star...