5 tips to stay motivated as a blogger

Blogging sometimes can be a lonely journey. Right from the realization that you need to create a blog to actually working on one, trying to build an audience, all this can be pretty gloomy at times. To top it, all of this takes time [ a long time, actually]. So how do we stay motivated as a blogger? 

1. Acceptance 

Instead of constantly comparing yourself with other successful bloggers, accept the fact that certain things in life take time, discipline and hard work - the tough things that we want to pass over. But it is these tough things that can produce some of the best work of people’s lives. Even with discipline and hard work being there in equal measure, out of a thousand ideas, only a few succeed. 

2. Persistence 

The ability to persevere despite hardships is a great skill to have. Too many people give up being quite near to the goal. But how do we know when to persevere and when to give up? 

Do I really have the skills to make it big in blogging [or any other passion that you have]? 
What if I know that I am not good enough now and invest another 5 years in this in the hope of getting better and then realize it was not worth it? 
Is it not smarter to quit while you still can and cut your losses short? 

To make it big in our chosen area / field of specialization, the necessary ingredient is passion: not a degree, not a network, and certainly not money. If you have the passion, you can figure out how to work out the rest of the equation. To borrow from the concept of Ikigai, the purpose of life is a combination of your passion, mission, profession and vocation. 

Hector Garcia, the co-author of Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life says:

Your ikigai is at the intersection of what you are good at and what you love doing 

If you find out that writing is what helps you achieve your broader mission and vision, and you are also good at it, then persist. Pursuing writing to achieve a bigger goal [in my case, it is helping younger professionals to learn digital marketing] can lead to higher satisfaction than just the relentless pursuit of money and fame camouflaged through blogging. 

3. Inspiration 

It happens to the best of us - we suffer from blogging fatigue. Despite the best designed schedules around high productivity times [yes, that’s me, I am a stickler for blogging schedules], sometimes the ideas just don’t flow. You just don’t feel like writing. You learn to live with the writers block. 

I find it best to step out and away from the situation at times like this. 
Either reading a book or going out, visiting someplace new or meeting new people helps. Recently, during such a time, I took a short trip. Just driving around, seeing new landscapes and new cities helped me clear my mind a bit. No sooner than I arrived at my destination, I was raring to write again. 

Find out what inspires you. 

Is it travel? Is it reading? Is it watching TV? Or is it listening to inspirational videos on YouTube? Whatever it is, use that to channel your inspiration for blogging. 

4. Meeting people 

Sometimes being holed up in our own blogging universe adds to our writers block. Since it is such a solo journey sometimes that you literally end up feeling abandoned by the world. 

Being around people helps. I float my ideas and struggles with my family. It helps us bond as well as they realize the importance this has to me [ as opposed to me being tight lipped about what I am doing]. Discussions like these also help them to be invested in my journey as a blogger. 

I do this with other (new people) as well, wherever I meet them. I always let people know that I am writing and I have a blog. It acts as a conversation starter (sometimes) and helps us find commonalities. If nothing else, the way I see it, another person can be aware of my blog this way. 

Meeting (positive) people can help you remain motivated. Some people prefer going to blogging meet-ups or blogging conferences. I like doing that too. There is some solace in shared misery and celebrations! 

5. Be visible 

It’s quite easy to burrow yourself into the ground during one of your blogging marathons. I know I have done it. And most writers have what they call a “zone”. A special writing time that has a sudden onset which delivers extremely high productivity. However, as a blogger, you can’t hide under a rock forever. You have to be visible, responding to comments, asking questions in return. Sometimes, this very act of being visible and being present can be motivating and inspirational. Maybe you receive a positive comment or get a shout-out of acknowledgment. 

Hope all this helps you a bit in your long and sometimes lonely blogging journey. Don't give up hope - and remember, the best of things take the most efforts. So keep blogging !


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