5 tips to stay motivated as a blogger

Blogging sometimes can be a lonely journey. Right from the realization that you need to create a blog to actually working on one, trying to build an audience, all this can be pretty gloomy at times. To top it, all of this takes time [ a long time, actually]. So how do we stay motivated as a blogger? 1. Acceptance Instead of constantly comparing yourself with other successful bloggers, accept the fact that certain things in life take time, discipline and hard work - the tough things that we want to pass over. But it is these tough things that can produce some of the best work of people’s lives. Even with discipline and hard work being there in equal measure, out of a thousand ideas, only a few succeed. 2. Persistence The ability to persevere despite hardships is a great skill to have. Too many people give up being quite near to the goal. But how do we know when to persevere and when to give up? Do I really have the skills to make it...