How to write more blog posts in less time

There I was - struggling to churn out one post. And the blogs in front of me were belting out post after post after post. I was struggling to maintain something of a frequency. But they were churning out 30-50 posts of 4000 words each per month. I realized that I needed to tackle this problem head on, and not be passive. I needed to be in control of my own blogging destiny [easier said than done] So what can we do to write more blog posts in less time? We all know the (vicious) cycle of blog content: write, promote, repeat. But sometimes it is not enough - Sometimes, trying to compete with the countless authoritative websites [many of who are doing it full time] may seem like an uphill battle - but hey, everything worth having came with discipline and practice. The entire blogging process can broadly be divided into these phases: Pre-writing Researching Writing Scheduling Promoting And today, we are going to look at the fi...