In Conversation with: Sairee Chahal

Hello everyone, Today we bring an interview with Sairee Chahal, Found er & CEO of SHEROES . Sairee has many, many accomplishments to her credit and is leading and inspiring countless women. Read more to learn about Sairee's advice & recommendations to young entrepreneurs. Excerpts from an email interview with Sairee. Question 1: What led you to start your entrepreneurial journey? I have been an entrepreneur more than once and have also been on the corporate side, with its own trappings of success and career ladder. However, one does realise the need to address what looks like a reducing peer group as you grow into your career. SHEROES was set up with the view of converting the talk about diversity into the action We all know the figures, the data, the gender and women at work debate but how do we bring out solutions. is a step in that direction. The response has been great and we are very early into this. This...