India Digital Future in Focus 2013: ComScore Report

Key Takeaways from the India Digital Future in Focus 2013: ComScore Report

1. India―The World’s Third Largest Internet Population
Internet audience grew by 17.6 mn users since March 2012, a YOY increase of 31%. Also useful will be to view the Mary Meeker KPCB Internet Trends 2013 slide deck for Global Internet Users, viewed here (

2. The demographic dividend continues in digital-o-sphere; India’s Online Population Skews Significantly Younger Than Other BRIC Countries, 39% of the population in the age group 25-34. 

3. This one was a surprise, the fastest growing web categories in India being apparel, comparison shopping, blogs, and financial information, with blogs showing phenomenal growth, adding 11.6 mn new users and growing @48%

4. No surprises here―top web properties are Google (69K), Facebook (59K), Yahoo sites (38K), figures indicate unique visitors, with Google leading the way in minutes spent per visitor too!

5. Some interesting facts again, Tumblr & Pinterest Emerge as the Fastest Growing Networks, with YOY growth rates of 150% & 589% respectively. Phew!

Summary: Consumers are becoming device/platform agnostic in their quest for content consumption, throwing advertising analytics into a tizzy, the scale will tilt in the favour of those companies & marketers who recognize& acknowledge this change in consumer behaviour.

Access the full report here


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