The SoDA Report: Digital Marketing Outlook, 2014

The SODA Report: Digital Marketing Outlook, 2014 

The Digital Marketing Outlook (DMO) report 2014 is one of the most widely awaited reports in the digital ecosystem (For 2013 as a whole, The SoDA Report clocked in over 250,000 readers). This year's report questions/explores the gaps in the client-agency relationships in areas such as client expectations vs agency deliverables, level of digital sophistication, talent management.

What clients want in their agency relationships is pretty clear--marketing creativity, product/service innovation and expertise in managing trends/opportunities.

Key Insights:

  • An increasing number of clients are working with small rosters of highly specialized digital shops.
  • Full-service agencies and digital shops are investing in innovation efforts like never before.
  • Marketers and agencies disagree on level of digital marketing sophistication on client side.
  • Learning Curve on Client Side is Flattening
For more insights, download the report at


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