Van Heusen Most Fashionable Professional

The Most Fashionable Professional

This one was a sure-shot winner, even last year. Building rich engagement properties for brands takes time, and Van Heusen seems to have cultivated a fine taste for the finer art of social media campaigns.

Van Heusen, India’s # 1 premium lifestyle brand for men, women and youth, seems to have perfected the science of user engagement, yet again this year. Close on heels of the phenonmenal first-year response, we have the Van Heusen Most Fashionable Professional 2014. Having consistently defined and shaped the fashion trends of Indian professionals since 1990 in India, the Most Fashionable Professional Campaign was first launched in 2013 on LinkedIn. LinkedIn provided Van Heusen the perfect captive audience. With a member base of over 21 million professionals in India, a favorable demographic (read fashion conscious professionals), the audience alignment was perfect. The formal, professionally-oriented user profile (as compared to other social networks) gave Van Heusen accurate access to their core target group of professionals in their late 20’s and upwards.

The month-long campaign required LinkedIn members to nominate a maximum of 10 of the most fashionable professionals from their network. Ten finalists (5 male & 5 female) chosen by a panel of fashion experts got a chance to win Van Heusen gift vouchers of Rs 10,000 each. Participants gratification consisted of a gift voucher of Rs. 500 on a minimum purchase of Rs. 2000 at Van Heusen.

Flawlessly fashionable, Boardroom ready, Corporate classy, Strategically stylish, Elegant Entrepreneur, In-Style Innovator were some of the fashion categories up for nominations.

The campaign features a microsite powered with a LinkedIn login, allowing users to nominate their colleagues/friends. Post nomination, users could choose to share their nomination on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Last year, the campaign reach was 1.5 million LinkedIn users with 10,700+ shares on LinkedIn. The campaign was picked by as one of the Top 8 innovative LinkedIn marketing campaigns and was a bronze winner in the “Best Use of Social Media” at GoaFest 2014.

LinkedIn has another winner on its hands this year!


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