The LinkedIn BrandConnect Delhi: Sneak Peek

Hello, namaste and hola,

First, I attended the LinkedIn BrandConnect Delhi event this week (September 14). Heard everyone speak - from Hugh Burkitt, CEO, The Marketing Society, Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn, Shannon Stubo, CMO and Senior Vice President, Communications, LinkedIn amongst others.

View the event details here.

Second, I really wanted to do a live social media update from the event, but couldn't because I didn't manage to get the right configuration (lights, seat, angle). So here are few images from the event and few observations.

Shannon Stubo, CMO and Senior Vice President, Communications, LinkedIn & Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn at the Fireside Chat session @BrandConnect.

Hey, is that your blogger - yes, it is!

[PS: Sorry about the image resolutions]

What I really liked was the idea - as marketers, given the hectic, crazy schedules that we have, there are very few events that you'd want to attend. And I marked this right away in my calendar. I would love to see more events being conducted in India / Asian subcontinent by Hubspot, Marketo, Twitter, the works!

What I felt could be done better was the marketing of the event. Having had my baptism by fire in conducting events in every possible format, perhaps I was a bit too caustic in my assessment. Did they do Save-The-Dates? Did they do a 15/10/5 days to go? Did they do a pre-event social media contest / promotion? 

Then I re-calibrated my expectations - this was an invite-only event. Perhaps they wanted to keep it exclusive. Then again, that could be the very reason for some marketers to promote it more - to make it even more coveted next year. 

Stay tuned for more - more updates to come!


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