How To Create Your Content Pipeline?

So, you write a blog, create content? Have you ever been diagnosed with writer’s block? Probably, one in a zillion chance, that you’d say no.

Then how do you as a content curator rid yourself of this affliction?

                                        Image credit: MarketingProfs,

In my state of acute writing fatigue, I did some research around ways to combat this condition and here I present my (limited) experience.

I ideate around the following areas:

What would be of interest to my target reader/reader profile?

Reports/Studies: Has any recent industry study/report published any significant/impactful findings that might be pertinent to your industry? Do you have an opinion/insight/recommendation to offer?

Events/conferences: Are there any events that I have attended/are upcoming, which might interest readers? Can I provide some insights to others?

Customers: What are your customers interested in? Are there any customer case studies that you’d like to share? Is there any customer feedback that you’d like to highlight? If yes, blog away!

Industry Trends: Though I’d like to steer clear of “to watch out for Trends” type articles, these seem to be “trend”-ing.

How-To Guides: Did you find a new use case for a product feature? A quicker shorter way to a complicated workflow for your customer? Develop “How-To” guides for your readers, and disseminate them widely.

Multi-purpose content: So, you publish content, but ever thought of re-purposing content? For more ideas on repurposing content, read this brilliant article by Hubspot at Increase the shelf life of your content by repurposing it.

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